Why Book with Us

You Can Trust Us, We Earned Our Reputation For Excellence, We Search, Study, Plan, Work, and Live By Those Old Fashioned Principles Called Honesty, Honor, Integrity, Reliability And Because We Know Our Business.

100% Customizable

Tell us about your trip requirement. We'll work together to customize your trip to meet your exact requirement so that you have a memorable trip.

Local Experts. Middle-man Free Pricing

We're a local travel agency. When you book with us, you get best possible price, which is middle-man free.

No Hidden Charges

We don't add hidden extras cost. All trips include travel permit, lodging and fooding. There are no surprises with hidden costs.

100% Customizable

Tell us about your trip requirement. We'll work together to customize your trip to meet your exact requirement so that you have a memorable trip.

The Number that We Served So Far

The Numbers Might Seems Little But Our Customer Satisfaction is All The Time 100/100.

Number of Customers


Number of Trips


Air Tickets


Hotel Reservation


Deals and Discounts

Get Ready

Who Is Heritage Winds Travel ?

An Egyptian Tour Operator with their own staff of English Speaking Professional Guides, own contract with hotels, airlines, transportation companies, and Nile Cruise Ships and Experienced Travel, Marketing, Operations and Sales Team In The USA, with one common Goal is to offer travelers and let them experience our destinations the way it should be visited.